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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Juice Fasting For Weight Loss - Can Juice Fast Make You Lose Weight?

If you wondered if juice fasting is the right way to go about helping you to lose weight, you need to think again. It is an excellent way to cleanse your system of toxins and years of accumulated debris. However, you should keep in mind that juice fasting for weight loss alone is a bad idea as the weight you lose is just the water weight which will be gained back once you are done with the fast. A weight loss program should be aimed at burning the fat accumulated in the body and not at giving you a temporary loss in weight by getting rid of your water weight.

The right weight loss program should focus on reducing your weight by burning the fat that is accumulated in your body. The right way to do this is to increase your body's metabolism so that your body works overtime to burn that extra accumulated fat. Metabolism is the rate of burning of calories by the body. By struggling with crash diets, fruit fasting, juice fasting or sweating out at the Gym, it is smarter and easier to focus on increasing the body's metabolism thereby letting your body participate in the whole process of burning the fat.

When choosing a metabolic diet, it is essential to choose a diet that is right for your body's metabolism. Each person has a unique metabolism type and hence, it is important to choose a diet depending on your body type. Also other factors like a simple exercise routine, taking in the right nutrients, clearing up the body of toxins etc. can play an important role in aiding weight loss by promoting the body's metabolism. In fact, juice fasting for weight loss can be used this way to detoxify your body to promote the metabolism and hence the fat loss. Thus, detoxification (juice fasting) alone will not help you lose weight. If juice fasting is used as a part of a major diet plan that is aimed at increasing your metabolism to burn the fat and extra inches off your body, then it can be recommended.

For More Related Topics Blog: Easy And Quick Ways To Lose Weight

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