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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Five Tips For Fast and Safe Weight Loss

I am not going into the details of why are we fat? Or what are the benefits of reducing weight.

Here I'll share with you Top Five Tips for fats and safe weight loss.

Keep realistic goals: There are numerous programs that would advertise something like this 'lose 10 Lbs in 3 days". First all this is a myth, to lose 10 lbs in 3 days. Even if you do, chances is your weight will come back fast, along with other health problems? Don't fall for such marketing gimmicks. However, losing 10 lbs in 30 days and keeping it off is realistic target.

Keep a food diary. This is very important at least in initial days for your dieting plan. You will be surprised to know how much extra and irrelevant food we consume in a day. Even when we are not hungry. A food diary will help you keep a tab, upon what you eat. And Will also b helpful in eating healthy.

Get physical: Spare 30 minutes five days week for physical activity. It could be anything, you could walk your dog, you could go to park jogging, you could take up dancing. Whatever... take care it's something you enjoy. Just half an hour a day is enough to boost your physical fitness.: Also try to bring variation in your routine

Minimize refined food: Try to minimize white sugar and plain carbs in your diet. These are nothing else but junk. Theses foods have no nutritional value and are quickly absorbed in your blood stream and raise your sugar levels. Which might further lead to diabetes. Which in turn is responsible for so many life threatening diseases.

Keep your diet interesting; you should actually like the food you eat. Otherwise you will not be able to stick to your regimen for a long time. You might give it up soon. Don't Do that. Your diet plan should not be so stringent asking you to eat only salads. It should also allow you to have food of your choice.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Journal

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Journal

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