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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Eating Eggs For Weight Loss? Can it Really Work?

A recent study was conducted at the Rochester Center For Obesity, in America. It had some very interesting conclusions to make about the relation of consuming eggs for breakfast and weight loss. Turns out, its a very good idea to have eggs for breakfast, both from the health & weight loss perspective.

In the study that was conducted, 2 groups of overweight women were taken. One group was provided with a egg based breakfast (2 eggs). The other group was provided with a bagel based breakfast. Care was taken, to insure that both the breakfasts had the same amount of calories and protein levels.

Now, what was observed was very interesting. The women on the egg-based breakfast remained fuller and ate lighter meals through-out the day. They did not only have a lighter lunch. They stayed fuller, throughout the day!

When the eating habits of the 2 groups were studied, even more fantastic results were found. The women on the egg-based breakfast, stayed fuller and on-an-average & consumed 417 calories LESS PER DAY than the women on the bagel based breakfast.

If you do regular cardio work-outs, I am sure you are aware that it takes a considerable amount of effort to burn off 417 calories. If making a small change, like eating eggs for breakfast can have such a great effect, then why not make the change?

In fact, the study concluded that one could lose upto 2lb a month, if they did nothing other than switch to eating eggs for breakfast.

You might wonder what the calorie content of eggs are? And is it a good idea to eat eggs all the time?

Well, eggs have a whole bunch of essential nutrients including proteins, zinc, iron and vitamins A, D, E & B12. However, they are only approximately 85 calories per egg. So, there is no real worry about eating too many eggs and picking up too many calories in an egg-based breakfast!

Even if you don't consider the weight loss aspects of an egg-based breakfast, you can be 100% sure that its great for health.

For More Related Topics Blog: Quick Ways To Lose Weight In 2 Weeks

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