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Monday, September 30, 2013

Colon Cleanse For Weight Loss - Amazing Colon Cleanse Diet For Weight Loss

If you are looking for that one magic way to cleanse you colon and lose weight in the bargain or lose weight and cleanse your colon in the bargain then, here you would find one best method that you can follow to be rid of all that harmful colon bacteria, cleanse it well and also lose your weight in just a matter of 2 weeks.

Amazing Diet

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Free Healthy Weight Loss Tips For Everyone

Everyone is always talking about losing weight. You can't watch the news or read a magazine without seeing something about the newest weight loss craze. All over the Internet and in the bookstores are books and products to help us lose weight. Here are some free healthy weight loss tips that can help you start to lose weight.

#1 Stop talking and start doing. We spend a lot of time talking about what we are going to do but many times we don't get around to doing it. Take action. Let someone know what your intentions are, set some weight loss goals, find healthy weight loss tips and get going. There's a new you waiting.

#2 Be the turtle, not the hare. Slow and steady weight loss is the best. It's not that exciting when you only see one or two pounds coming off a week, but it's much nicer to see them stay off instead of coming back on six months later. You did not gain the weight overnight, so you shouldn't expect to lose it in just a few days or weeks.

#3 Save Your Money You don't need the latest and greatest gadget to lose weight. Pills, fad diets, etc. may help you lose weight short term, and you will also lose your money. The weight will probably come back but the money wont. The bottom line to weight loss is you must burn more calories than you eat. But you have to take in enough calories for your body to function properly.

#4 This is a lifelong journey. Most of us will struggle with weight loss for the rest of our lives. To be successful, you have to make lifestyle changes. You have to make better food choices and changes that you can keep for the rest of your life. Always think about incorporating exercise into your life.

#5 Don't be a victim of the scale. Our feelings of success are too closely tied to the scale. If it goes down, we feel happy, if it goes up, we get frustrated. Weight loss is not all about the scale. Your weight can stay the same but your body may be changing because you are losing fat and gaining muscle. When you make healthy eating choices and add exercise, you are taking better care of your body and your heart and other organs will thank you.

For More Related Topics Blog: Vitamins For Weightloss

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

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Eating Eggs For Weight Loss? Can it Really Work?

A recent study was conducted at the Rochester Center For Obesity, in America. It had some very interesting conclusions to make about the relation of consuming eggs for breakfast and weight loss. Turns out, its a very good idea to have eggs for breakfast, both from the health & weight loss perspective.

In the study that was conducted, 2 groups of overweight women were taken. One group was provided with a egg based breakfast (2 eggs). The other group was provided with a bagel based breakfast. Care was taken, to insure that both the breakfasts had the same amount of calories and protein levels.

Now, what was observed was very interesting. The women on the egg-based breakfast remained fuller and ate lighter meals through-out the day. They did not only have a lighter lunch. They stayed fuller, throughout the day!

When the eating habits of the 2 groups were studied, even more fantastic results were found. The women on the egg-based breakfast, stayed fuller and on-an-average & consumed 417 calories LESS PER DAY than the women on the bagel based breakfast.

If you do regular cardio work-outs, I am sure you are aware that it takes a considerable amount of effort to burn off 417 calories. If making a small change, like eating eggs for breakfast can have such a great effect, then why not make the change?

In fact, the study concluded that one could lose upto 2lb a month, if they did nothing other than switch to eating eggs for breakfast.

You might wonder what the calorie content of eggs are? And is it a good idea to eat eggs all the time?

Well, eggs have a whole bunch of essential nutrients including proteins, zinc, iron and vitamins A, D, E & B12. However, they are only approximately 85 calories per egg. So, there is no real worry about eating too many eggs and picking up too many calories in an egg-based breakfast!

Even if you don't consider the weight loss aspects of an egg-based breakfast, you can be 100% sure that its great for health.

For More Related Topics Blog: Quick Ways To Lose Weight In 2 Weeks

Saturday, September 28, 2013

7 Top Reasons to Keep a Weight Loss Food Diary

From my own personal experience of keeping a food diary I have found many benefits. I have listed 7 of the top ones that I feel have been one of the contributing factors to my own successful weight loss of losing over 65 pounds.

Keeping a food diary will

1 Writing down what you eat and drink actually makes you really aware of how much you are putting in your body everyday. And it also shows you if what your doing in the exercise area is adequate enough.

2 Helps you see which foods are high in fat and calories, it also helps you to plan your meals

3 Assist you in identifying situations, events and emotions that may lead to excessive eating. Once you are aware of these you can then plan how your going to overcome them

4 Stops you from having 'calorie forgetfulness'. The things we forget that lead to regaining weight after successfully losing it. Documenting everything in your food diary will keep you on track so you don't do this.

5 Help you attain self discipline - you are less likely to over indulge if you have to record it, especially if you have someone checking your diary on a regular basis.

6 Provides you with the motivation you will need to successfully plan your meals and your exercise each day

7 Is a good system to use so that your doctor or nutritionist can have a look at to see what kind of progress you are making, or where areas need improving.

Keeping a food diary is one of the best ways to keep your weight in check. It is all about taking responsibility for your food and drink choices, your fitness choices, and your lifestyle choices.

This system does work, however not everyone has the motivation to even start a food diary - let alone be consistent with one. This is where you may need more than just a food diary to help you lose weight. I myself needed this help once, approximately 6 years ago - and managed to lose 65 pounds because of it.

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Caralluma - Effective For Weight Loss?

Caralluma Fimbriata is claimed to be a natural weight loss supplement that works by suppressing your appetite so you lose weight faster and more effectively. Some have compared it to Hoodia Gordonii (which is becoming less available due to over-harvesting thus making Caralluma that much more attractive).

Is Caralluma Safe

According to two human, double blind, randomized, placebo controlled human clinical trials, it is safe. The safety of this product has been reviewed by 3 studies of toxicology that were done per exacting OECD guidlines. Caralluma has achieved self-affirmed GRAS stats (Generally Recognized As Safe).

Where Did It Come From?

Caralluma Fimbriata comes from India. Tribes in India chew on chunks of this plant to suppress their appetite when they are out on a day's hunt. This plant is also used by the labor classes of South India to enhance their endurance and suppress their appetites. It is listed as a vegetable and a famine food by the Wealth Of India (this is the Indian Health Ministry's medicinal plants comprehensive compilation).

What Is It Made Of?

Caralluma is made up of key phytochemical constituents: Pregnane Glycosides, Flavone Glycosides, Megastigmane Glycosides, Bitter Principles, Sapnonins, and more. It is all natural and products claming to contain it will contain it in the extracted form.

Does Caralluma Work?

Based on studies conducted on the appetite suppression qualities of Caralluma it was concluded that the plant does work to suppress the appetite. In conjunction with the right diet it is a very viable and effective option for weight loss.

For More Related Topics Blog: Gluten Free And Weight Loss

Friday, September 27, 2013

Free Weight Loss Tips - What You Should Really Know About it to Avoid Any Mistakes

Every weight loss program or diet should stick to some basic guidelines. You can design your own program around these guidelines and achieve the best results possible.

The following are some free guidelines that will definitely change the way you diet or the plan that you have outlined for yourself.

One of the most basic rules is that the calorie you consume should be lesser than the amount you actually burn during your daily activities. So even if you are exercising, you must ensure that you consume lesser calories that you actually burn so that you do not actually end up gaining weight.

You should drink water so that your body can always function at an optimum level. You have to get a regular amount of exercise so that you burn some extra calories. You should eat food at short and regular intervals.

This serves to increase the rate of metabolism of your body and thus burn more calories. This is counter-intuitive as you eat more often and lose weight in the process.

If you design your diet or your program around these guidelines and stick to it, then you will lose weight in no time. There are some specific types of food that you avoid when you are following any plan.

You can find a list of such food online as part of free weight loss tips and ensure that you never include it in your diet. When you lose weight, you usually lose weight from all over your body. You should plan your weight loss so that you do not focus on losing weight from one part of your body.

If you stick to these free weight loss guidelines, then you will definitely get to see the results you were hoping for.

Easy Weight Loss Tips For Getting Your Head in the Game

If you have tried to lose weight in the past then you most likely appreciate that weight loss is not just about finding the right diet or exercise plan; in order to succeed you must get your thinking right and create a mindset for losing weight. This article shares some easy weight loss tips that are tied to limiting thoughts to illustrate to you just how easy it can be to get your head in the game.

1. "I hope this diet works." I have heard this uttered more times than I wish. If you want to get your head in the game then stop blaming your diet for not working and take 100% responsibility for your weight loss. My tip for you is to get started on your diet then tweak it constantly to get better results.

2. "I was just meant to be overweight." Throw this thought out the window. If you were born into a family that tends to be overweight or you have had dieting failures in the past these are not good reasons to believe you have to give up on being healthy and fit. Tip: Set a realistic goal and get moving toward it.

3. "I cannot motivate myself to exercise." It is hard to sometimes get exercise started and even people who exercise regularly have days when they have to talk themselves into moving. Tip: Just commit to getting into your workout clothing. You will be amazed at how this changes your thinking because you took this one step closer.

Your thoughts will make weight loss easier or harder, in order to succeed you want to get your eating, exercising AND thinking all working toward your goal. Use these easy weight loss tips to help you keep your head in the game.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Common Myths Regarding Weight Loss

Almost everyone wants to lose weight. Amazingly even movie stars with their picture perfect body are still on a constant quest in losing weight. There are several common myths regarding weight loss that people should be aware of. Sometimes, these myths can be misleading causing people to fain and not lose weight.

Myth # 1: Skipping Meals = Weight Loss

Amazing Weight Loss Alternatives

Have you considered taking weight loss alternatives? Did you know that these alternatives can actually help you lose weight fast? If these tips will not work on you then I don't know if there are any tips that are powerful and effective as these tips are.

Weight Loss Alternatives

1. Supplements and cleansing agents

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Here Are a Few Powerful Tips For Quick Weight Loss

Healthy weight loss does not have to be slow as molasses. You can create a snowball effect by initiating rapid weight loss for two weeks then back off your strict program in favor of a regular fat burning program. It is perfectly reasonable to change up your program as long as you are following a few key rules.

Weight loss should translate into fat loss. The key factor in effective fat loss is increasing your metabolic rate.

We can realize a significant shift in effective fat burning by switching from a sugar based primary energy source; carbohydrates such as breads, pasta etc., to a protein/fat based system. The core of a healthy mono unsaturated fat/high quality protein program allows for more efficient metabolic increases and greater energy expenditures.

High protein diets that burn healthy fats have shown to offer greater mental focus and energy than carbohydrate based diets. With increased energy and sharper mental focus, you are more likely to enjoy the program and look forward to activities and exercise.

High protein diets that are rich in monounsatureated fats help to regulate the fat hormone leptin. This hormone helps to regulate the body's hunger switch. You want to be able to feel satisfied after you've eaten and ensure that this feeling of fullness will last for several hours.

We want to regulate this hormone in order to satisfy our hunger pangs but also to regulate our fat storage. Leptin will cause increased fat storage in elevated levels. This system has worked effectively for many people who have tried unsuccessfully in the past to reduce their weight through dieting and exercise.

It is a good idea to get a thorough checkup before embarking on a diet and exercise program to rule out any diseases that might hinder your progress. Thyroid disorders, endocrine and cardiovascular diseases can all have adverse effects on a weight loss program.

The increased levels of cortisol can affect your ability to lose weight as well. This stress hormone can inhibit your body's ability to process glucose properly. Simple blood or saliva tests can identify increased levels of cortisol and steps can be taken to regulate it.

Boost Your Weight Loss Efforts With the Right Support Systems - Part 2

In part 1 of this article we looked at some of ways that those close to you can create negative feelings around your dieting and weight loss efforts, and how to avoid being affected by them. In this second part, we'll talk about how to ensure that you are getting plenty of positive support to see you through the inevitable hard times that you'll encounter when dieting.

One great way is to find a diet partner around you. Whether it's a partner or someone in your household, a friend, a relative, a co-worker or someone from your gym, starting and following a diet with someone else always makes it much easier. It gives you someone to lean on when you have a sudden craving for your favorite junk food, someone to discuss the details of the particular diet with, and it also makes you feel like you don't want to let the other person down by breaking the diet.

Another way is simply to look in the local paper or to ask around, and you'll often find that there are weight loss support groups in your area who meet regularly. You might find this idea a little strange, but support groups really do work and you might find that having people to talk to about your weight loss and dieting issues, and also listening to the problems that others have, can be a big inspiration in getting through the hard times.

Finally, you can always find support online in the form of forums and other support groups. While online support is somewhat less effective than real-life support, the big advantage to it is that it's always available whenever you need it, even at 3am when all you want to do is take that last chocolate donut from its box. A quick search will reveal many weight loss support groups, so scan through them until you find one or more that you think you'll like, and join in some conversations.

No matter how easy or hard you typically find dieting, everyone can use some support when facing difficulties. Having another person or a group of people around you who understand what you're going through and will help you pull through it can be invaluable, and can truly make a big difference to the success of your weight loss efforts.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

5 Quick Tips On How To Get Weight Loss Motivation

Have you ever wondered how some people can stay motivated, or how they achieve amazing results in a short amount of time? In years of training I found out an amazing thing, people that were motivated and persistent achieved results not even comparable to those who did their workout just because they had to.

Why is that so?

It's actually the difference in training that is decisive, it might not even be noticeable, but if you are motivated you will do every exercise or weight loss program more precisely and with more desire to get your goal finished. Therefore the only logical step to take is, to motivate yourself. How to motivate yourself you might ask?! Well there are some basic and very effective tips. If you continuously follow them, staying motivated will prove very easy. I will provide you five of the most important ones here.


One of most important motivational tools is visualization. Imagine yourself after you lose weight. How you will look, how you will feel and even what people might think of you and what you will think of yourself, once you reach your much desired goal. It might take you only few minutes to do this and could give you a great amount of extra motivation.

2. Talk to friends

This can be a great motivation boost. If you have a friend or a relative you can talk to, do it, friends are your allies they will help you reach your goals. If you don't have any friends that could do so, it's also good to find a good internet community, where you can express your feelings and emotions.

3. Rewarding

Give yourself some treat after you do all things you set for yourself, what you will be able to do once you lose enough weight. You can also reward yourself weekly or monthly, so you have something to look forward to.

4. Pictures

Another thing I really recommend is taking pictures of yourself. It will help you track your progress better and also motivate you once you will see that your body is changing.

5. Success stories

This particular tool helped me a great deal, try to find and read some of the success stories in either books or through the internet, when you will see what people can do you will realize you can also do that yourself.

Colon Cleanser Weight Loss

Colon cleanser weight loss products have started to become more popular over the last few years as more people become educated about the effect that stress and toxins can have on our bodies.

The colon is an organ that is part of the large intestines and its main purpose in the human body is to store digested food waste and to help your body to eventually expel that waste.

Because of what it handles, the colon has been associated with a few phrases that don't make most people that comfortable. It has been called the "sewer system of the body" and the "origin of most diseases."

The ancient Greeks were one group that believed the colon was dirty and that its contents and bacteria could eventually enter the bloodstream and make you sick. They were some of the first to start cleansing the colon. The process was pretty popular in early history until some experts began to debunk whether or not it was effective.

Eventually, colon cleansing slowed down but has since come back very strong. One of the problems with toxins and other chemicals in our bodies is that they could result in weight gain. It is said that our bodies have a protective mechanism where it surrounds invasive toxins with extra fat cells in an effort to save itself from damage.

Other evidence shows that once these toxins are flushed from the colon and the body that it will quickly release the reserved fat. Colon cleanser weight loss stories have started to surface more lately and companies have refined their products to help enhance overall weight loss.

If you are struggling to lose weight, try a cleanse and see what kind of results you get. At a minimum, it might help you to get a burst of energy and improved digestion and absorption of nutrients.