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Monday, November 4, 2013

Lose 5 Pounds in One Week - 3 Quick Weight Loss Tips to Help You Lose 5 Pounds in a Week - No Joke

The most important thing to lose 5 pounds in one week is to stay focused. Don't get distracted by things like laziness or junk food, and you have a good chance to meet your weight loss goal. Here's a few more tips to help you on your way:

1) Have a Great Workout Program

The only way to lose 5 pounds in one week is to burn 17,500 calories MORE than you take in. That sounds like a lot, but if you are working out and eating right, it's actually not that bad!

Know that you can't really target your weight loss though. For example you can't lose stomach fat just by doing tons of situps. The best way to lose stomach fat, or any other kind of fat, is by working your entire body - ESPECIALLY big muscles like your chest and quads.

You also won't lose fat fast just by running either. Although cardiovascular exercises help burn calories, the best way to stay fit in the long run is to build muscle mass.

This means pushups, pull-ups, squats, and other similar workouts. They are crucial to help you lose weight and keep it off!

2) Get More Sleep

Most Americans do NOT sleep enough at all. It will be hard for you to lose 5 pounds in one week if you aren't giving your body time to recover.

Aim for at least 7 hours of sleep a night, and you may need up to 9-10 depending on your body.

3) Eat Like a Bunny Rabbit

Ok you don't have to be that extreme, but make sure you eat mainly fruits, vegetables, and some lean meats.

These will help you boost your metabolism and digest easily.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Colon Cleansing Weight Loss - Where Toxins Come From, the Ugly Truth

Where do toxins come from?

We are all exposed to thousands of chemicals and toxins on a daily basis at work and home, through the air we breathe, water and food supply, alcohol and various soft drinks and through the use of pharmaceutical drugs. In addition, we are eating more processed foods and sugar than ever before in human history and regularly abuse our bodies with various sedatives and stimulants.

Pollution also contributes to our bodies being full of toxins. In fact, U.S. industries produce more than six trillion pounds chemicals a year, which is a combination of 9,000 different types of chemicals. As a result, the air we breathe in and water we drink is full of tremendous amount of industrial chemicals that goes directly into our system day after day, year after year.

Today's research proves

Today's research proves that our bodies are incapable of eliminating all chemicals, toxins and other waste we inhale and ingest every day. They merely accumulate in our cells (fat cells in particular), blood, tissues, organs (such as the colon, brain and liver ) and remain stored in our bodies for an indefinite length of time creating different kinds of health problems. It has been known for years that by using right colon cleansing formula you can eliminate toxins from your body and your entire body can benefit from colon cleansing weight loss approach.

Now that I have explained how environment pollutes and intoxicate your body, you can understand the magnitude of this problem.

If you have never cleaned your colon or used any colon cleansing formula before, chances are very high that long pieces of very old toxin-filled fecal matter has been wedged to the inside of your colon for many months. It will not be surprising if you suffer from stomach pains and occasional constipation, indigestion, tiredness, gas and bloating, lack of sleep, irritation and restlessness and a large protruding belly.

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EFT and Weight Loss - A Perspective

Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT has been used for a number of years for different physical and psychological problems.

The problems that can be cured by EFT include addictions, physical pain, chronic health conditions, weight issues, fears, self-esteem, self-worth issues and multitude of others.

This technique takes only 5 minutes to perform and 2-3 rounds to master.

Why is EFT effective?

EFT includes tapping acupressure points in a particular sequence while repeating a phrase that is related to the current problem. The phrase includes the self-love and self-acceptance part that we should have despite any problems we have - physical or psychological.

Tapping the acupressure points while repeating the phrase helps to clear the energy blockages associated with a particular problem.

In general tapping the acupressure points helps to restore the healthy energy flow in the body and can cure numerous problems. That's why doing EFT regularly very often results in releasing of several problems together, even the ones not mentioned on the "EFT phrase".

How EFT can Help with Weight Loss?

As it was already mentioned EFT works on psychological and physical levels. It can help with self-love and self-acceptance issues that sabotage the weight loss process; it can also help to reduce cravings, overeating, eating big portions, not exercising, etc.

The use of EFT for weight loss is limited to creativity only.

It is important to work on self-love and self-acceptance issues first since they are usually the roots of multitude problems. As a matter of fact working on these issues only can help to overcome cravings and weight loss sabotaging behaviors so by starting with these two issues you can significantly accelerate your weight loss.

Make sure to learn how to do it properly so you will not waste your time.

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Thursday, October 31, 2013

3 Tips For Choosing a Natural Weight Loss Program

Are you on the lookout for the most effective ways to lose excess pounds for good? According to experts, the safest and best way is to exercise and follow a natural weight loss program. Keep in mind that the program you choose should promote good eating habits. How do you choose your program? Here are some tips.

1. Choose a program that doesn't cut calories at the expense of specific food groups.

For your diet plan to be safe and effective, your meals should include the different food groups from the nutrition pyramid.

2. Look for a program that emphasizes exercise as much as dieting.

Sure, changing the way you eat can make you lose weight. But if you want to keep the weight you lost OFF, you will need to exercise. The ideal natural weight loss program recognizes the importance of exercise in your regimen --- and shows you how to cut calories without cutting away energy sources.

3. Avoid programs that promise dramatic weight loss.

Losing spare pounds can be too much of a sudden change for your body. For this reason, steady and slow weight loss is the only way to go. While you will most likely drop a lot of pounds at the onset, a good program can get you right back on track to the safe figure of losing no more than 3 pounds a week.

When looking for a plan to follow, keep in mind that battling the bulge is a multi-million dollar industry. Everyone wants a piece of the action, a slice of the pie. Consequently, programs try to outdo each other by promising instant results. Don't fall for the trap. Rather, choose the natural weight loss program that shows you the right way to lose weight without losing your good health.

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Highly Effective Rapid Weight Loss - Tips on How to Get the Weight Off Fast

Here are some highly effective rapid weight loss tips that will help you get the weight off fast. If you are serious about losing weight then these tips will challenge you but they will also give you the results you want. It will take just a few minutes to read this article but from it you can learn how to finally take these extra pounds off.

Effective Rapid Weight Loss

1. When your weight loss slows on a low calorie diet add a "cheat meal". The problem people run into when they are trying to keep their calorie intake super low is that their body adapts to this low level and slams the brakes on their metabolism.

To outsmart your body so it keeps losing rapidly you must add one high calorie "cheat meal" to your dieting week. This convinces your body that all is well and restores your full fat burning potential.

2. Finish eating carbs by noon. By avoiding carbohydrates such as breads, cereals, pasta, rice, potatoes and corn after lunch you create an environment in your body that promotes the burning of fat for energy. This ability increases with time and your body becomes a great fat burning machine.

3. Add burst of maximum effort to your aerobic routine. If you are exercising at an even pace you will burn fat but you can greatly increase your fat burning by adding short burst of high intensity. Start with a few minutes at a comfortable pace to warm-up and then ramp up your pace till you hit maximum effort then back down and repeat.

Losing weight fast is very motivating and even though the effort is greater you will see results very quickly. Use these highly effective rapid weight loss tips to accelerate your loss.

For More Related Topics Blog: How To Lose Weight Healthy And Fast

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Is Your Weight Loss Slowing Down? Give Your Plan a Jump Start

Are you noticing your weight loss slowing down? Have you been losing weight but for the past few weeks it seems harder and harder to get the scale to move down? Then what you need is to give your diet and exercise routine a jump start. Your body is very good at adapting to your routine so you will speed things up by mixing it up a bit, if you have been experiencing less then satisfactory results then I encourage you to take a couple of minutes right now to read on.

Weight Loss Slowing Down

1. Jump start your diet by shifting your carbohydrates. Carbs are valuable to your body because they are an easy source of energy yet when your body is feed carbs all day long it can neglect other sources of energy just sitting on your body, i.e. BODY FAT.

By eating all of your carbohydrates for the day by lunch and then keeping them out of your afternoon and evening meals you force your body to burn body fat for energy later in the day and boost your fat and weight loss.

2. Jump start your exercise. If you have been exercising but notice your results hitting a plateau then you need to boost your metabolism by varying the pace and exertion level of your exercise routine. Add short burst of maximum effort every few minutes to your aerobic exercise session and you will increase your fat burning for the entire day.

3. Jump start your desire. Think of this as a bonus tip but one that should not be overlooked. If your weight loss is happening slower this can become mentally challenging and for this reason it is crucial that you build your desire to lose weight even stronger. Sit down and write a list of 15 reasons losing this weight is important to you and you will feel a new sense of motivation and inspiration to reach your goal.

Is your weight loss slowing down? Don't lose hope. You can give your plan a jump start and by the end of the week you will notice a significant change.

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